Thursday, September 4, 2014

blogger drop out

This is my attempt at blogging for the third time.......third times the charm right? For those of you who don't know me....which I assume will be most of you;), I am a stay at home mom. I have a daughter who just turned 7, a son who just turned 3, a dog who is 1 but that is like a million in dog years right? I am married to my high school sweetheart and we live in a small town in Indiana. I love to do DIY projects, take pictures, sew, crochet, the list goes on and on. I hear the words you are so crafty at least once a those of you who have said those words to me.....THANK YOU! This blog is for you, for me, for my kids, and for my family. I figured I would start a blog about how anyone can be crafty. With the internet now a days all you have to do is google what you want to do and boom directions!!!! I thought it would be fun to share some of my original ideas and those I borrow from the internet. I will post links and pics/videos of all my projects and hopefully y'all can leave me links as well! I am excited to start this blog and I promise to try and not make this my third blog casualty!